Ask Dr. Atef about Urine Testing

What is the use of 24 hour urine protein in patients with swelling in their legs or with generalized body swelling? 24 hour urine test in patients with swelling in their legs or with generalized body swelling. What is the use of 24 hour urine protein in patients with swelling in their legs or with generalized body swelling? In certain diseases of kidneys, large amount of protein can pass the kidney filter and find their way to urine. In this setting, the amount of protein in the vessels decreases and this can lead to retention of fluid and swelling in body. A clue that should make a person suspicious of passing large amount of protein in the urine – having “persistent” foamy urine may be a clue toward passing large amount of protein in urine. Foamy urine is shown in the following pictures:

Foamy urine in toilet

Foamy urine in toilet (source: buzzle)

Foamy urine specimen

Foamy urine specimen (source: kidneyfailureweb)

Why the doctor asked for 24 hour Creatinine as well? Each person passes a fixed amount of Creatinine in urine in 24 hours. In all 24 hour urine tests we also ask for 24 hour urine Creatinine. By doing so we can verify if the urine was collected properly or not.

Please read more about Creatinine on my site by clicking here.

Ask Dr. Atef about Creatinine

I was told my serum creatinine level was high. What does that mean and why should I see a kidney doctor about it? First of all “serum creatinine” is a blood test. In order to this test a sample of blood is drawn from a vein. This test is mostly done in the labs (not in the office). The test for serum creatinine measures a compound which is called creatinine. Creatinine is a byproduct of energy metabolism expenditure by muscles. The more muscle a person has the more creatinine will gets released to the blood and this is why his or her serum creatinine will be on the higher end of normal. But more than muscle mass serum creatinine is determined by the filtering function of kidneys. We use this test (serum creatinine) not as indicator of muscle mass but as an indicator of kidney function.

How these two (serum creatinine and kidney function) relate? As you know as blood passes through kidneys some of chemicals in blood gets filtered out into urine. One of these chemicals is creatinine. If kidney function deteriorates (such as in kidney disease) the filtration function of kidneys deteriorates as well. In this case creatinine does not get filtered in urine in normal amount and its concentration in blood increases.

If you look at the blood test you will see this test written and reported as: “Cr”, “Creat” or “Creatinine”.

If you have any further question please contact Dr. Atef, kidney specialist in Dallas.